Performing Safe Transfers


This course provides important information about basic body mechanics, transfer techniques, and the nine steps for safe lifting.

This course provides important information about basic body mechanics, transfer techniques, and the nine steps for safe lifting. Caregivers will learn about “No Lift” policies and what it means for them. The module includes tips for easing clients’ fears about being transferred and descriptions of various transfer devices and mechanical lifts. A GREAT RISK MANAGEMENT INSERVICE!

  • Define “body mechanics” and explain why it is important for both you and the client to use good body mechanics.
  • Describe the “No Lift” policy and explain how it changes the way you transfer clients.
  • List at least three different types of equipment that can be used to transfer clients.
  • Describe the procedures for moving clients up in bed and for transferring from bed to chair.
  • Demonstrate proper lifting and transfer techniques during your daily work.

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